Echinococcus 2014 Special Issue - Now Open Access

Friday 18th December 2015
Echinococcus 2014 Special Issue - Now Open Access

The special issue of Veterinary Parasitology published after the ESCCAP Echinococcus 2014 event in Vilnius is now available as an open access online journal.  It features plenary sessions from the ESCCAP meeting with an introduction by Peter Deplazes, Bruno Gottstein and Thomas Junghanss.  The issue is entitled Veterinary Parasitology, Special Issue: Plenary papers presented at the ESCCAP Echinococcus 2014 scientific meeting Held at the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Vilnius, Lithuania (Volume 213, issues 3-4, 30th October 2015).  Click here to access the journal.
