ESCCAP’s maps in the press

An article has been featured in The Veterinary Nurse Journal about ESCCAP’s online maps service: Occurrence of parasite-associated infections.  The article talks about what the maps currently show, along with factors to consider when interpreting results.  More information can be found ...
Tuesday 23rd May 2023

New editions of GL5 and MG5 available in Polish

New editions of ESCCAP's vector-borne disease guideline and corresponding modular guide have been published in Polish.  To download the new versions, please visit and
Tuesday 16th May 2023

GL1, 6th edition now available in French

The new sixth edition of ESCCAP's guideline 01: “Worm Control in Dogs and Cats” is now available in French.  The new edition has been extensively revised and contains updated text, tables, life cycles and maps.  To download the document go to www.esccap.
Friday 5th May 2023

Zoonoses fact sheets published by FECAVA

FECAVA has written a series of fact sheets on the main zoonotic diseases transmitted from small animals to humans.  Titles include echinococcosis, dermatophytosis, bartonellosis, Sarcoptes and toxoplasmosis.  Two of the fact sheets feature ESCCAP's life cycles.  They can all be found on the ...
Tuesday 25th April 2023

ESCCAP's 15th Anniversary

May 2021 marked the European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasite’s 15th anniversary of incorporation as a company.  We had hoped to celebrate the milestone that year but sadly, Covid dictated otherwise. Between 27th and 29th March 2023, we were finally able to celebrate this achievement as part of our first annual...
Thursday 6th April 2023

New edition of vector-borne diseases guideline – January 2023

A new edition of ESCCAP's vector-borne diseases guideline has been published.  The new 4th edition has been extensively revised and now contains a glossary and information about cytauxzoonosis.  Alterations have also been made to tables, life cycles, diagnostic methods, treatment options and endemic regions.
Friday 24th February 2023