About Us

The past twenty years have seen a marked increase in the spread and range of pet parasite diseases throughout Europe. ESCCAP's aim is to provide veterinary professionals with free expert information in the form of guidelines. These guidelines are derived from independent and soundly-based investigation and research and are continually revised and updated. Our group of leading European veterinary parasitologists and public health professionals are committed to raising awareness and to the recommendation of appropriate and proven control measures to protect companion animals.

Our members are selected on the basis of their expertise and their ability to represent a country or region of Europe. Each member is responsible for promoting ESCCAP and its objectives and producing translations and adaptations of ESCCAP guidelines in their own region. The long-term ESCCAP goal is that parasites will no longer be a health issue for pets and humans in Europe and currently our activities are extending into eastern European countries where zoonoses pose significant threats to human and pet populations. These threats will increase with the relative ease of pet movement within and across Europe.

The emphasis of the organisation is very much directed towards fostering collaboration with the medical profession, allied government bodies and stakeholder partners to address the serious emerging pet parasite control issues faced by an enlarging Europe. To this end, ESCCAP organises and attends conferences and smaller events which feature key contributions from leading specialists and delegates from around the world. Building on the platform of these events and the published guidelines, ESCCAP seeks to expand its activities and influence throughout Europe by providing independent and valuable information to veterinary practitioners.
