Professor Guadalupe Miró Corrales

Professor Guadalupe Miró Corrales


ESCCAP Member Spain

Veterinary College of Madrid (Universidad Complutense), Spain

Guadalupe Miró graduated from the Madrid Veterinary School where she also completed her PhD thesis.  She now holds a permanent position as Full Professor in Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases at the Animal Health Department (Universidad Complutense of Madrid).

She is a Diplomate of the European Veterinary Parasitology College (EVPC).

She is Director of the researching group and diagnosis laboratory of pet parasites (PetParasiteLab) at the UCM.

Currently, she is in charge of the Consultant of Infectious diseases at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the Madrid Veterinary School with a special focus on infectious diseases of small animals.

Her areas of research specialisation are vector-borne diseases of pets, mainly canine and animal leishmaniosis and shelter medicine involving the epidemiology and control of zoonotic diseases.

She is a member of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP), the International Society for Companion Animal Infectious Diseases (ISCAID) and the Spanish Society of Parasitology (SOCEPA).  She is also a founding member of the LeishVet group (President 2008–2023), Spanish representative of ESCCAP and a member of the leading Spanish Associations of Veterinary Practitioners’ (AMVAC and AVEPA).

Her scientific output consists of numerous peer-reviewed scientific articles and is author/co-author of several books in the field.
