Deworming schemes available in Ukrainian

ESCCAP Ukraine has produced the two fact sheets containing schemes for the individual deworming of dogs and cats.  The schemes are taken from guideline 01: “Worm Control in Dogs and Cats”. Both schemes contain decision-making flow charts designed to be used for quick reference when deciding on treatment strategies...
Thursday 9th February 2023

Season's greetings from ESCCAP

Merry Christmas and best wishes for a prosperous New Year from everyone at ESCCAP
Monday 19th December 2022

New Giardia life cycle

A new life cycle has been developed for Giardia duodenalis bringing the total number of ESCCAP life cycles to 34.  Head to the life cycle pages to view or download the new image.  Each set of life cycles are grouped together by their corresponding guideline; Giardia can be found among the full set of GL6 life cycles
Friday 18th November 2022

New Guideline: Parasitological Diagnosis in Cats, Dogs and Equines

ESCCAP (European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites) is delighted to announce the completion of its diagnostics guideline: Parasitological Diagnosis in Cats, Dogs and Equines. This guideline is intended for use by veterinary professionals who carry out routine diagnostic procedures in their practice for the detection of parasitic...
Friday 11th November 2022

MG5 now available in French

ESCCAP's new modular guide series 5, Control of Vector-Borne Diseases in Dogs and Cats is now available in French.  Click here to download.
Wednesday 9th November 2022

Revised maps

All of ESCCAP's maps were revised in 2022 and are now available to view on the These new maps supersede any currently appearing in our guidelines which will be revised in due course.
Wednesday 21st September 2022