Dr. Vitaliy Kharchenko

Dr. Vitaliy Kharchenko


ESCCAP Member Ukraine

Department of Parasitology, I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

Vitaliy Kharchenko DSc, Docent is head of the Department of Parasitology at the I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv. He graduated in 1982 from the Biological Faculty of the Kyiv State University. In 2003, he completed his habilitation in “Morphology, Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Strongylid Nematode Parasites of Equidae” at the Institute of Parasitology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland.

Currently, he works as a Scientific Director at the I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

His specific scientific interests are in taxonomy and phylogeny of nematodes – parasites of vertebrates. He is a co-author of several recent papers which have included investigations into parasites of domestic animals and their control.

He is the vice president of the Ukrainian Scientific Society of Parasitologists.
