New editions of worm control guideline and modular guide – May 2021

New editions of worm control guideline and modular guide – May 2021
New editions of ESCCAP's guideline 01: “Worm Control in Dogs and Cats” and the corresponding modular guide have been published online.  Both documents now include the addition of emodepside spot-on treatment in pregnant queens.  The Taenia spp. diagnosis section has been amended and there have been slight changes to some life cycles.  All other changes are minor.  Head to the guidelines section of the website to download the new versions.
Wednesday 19th May 2021

New edition of GL2 available in Dutch

New edition of GL2 available in Dutch
The illustrated fourth edition of ESCCAP's guideline 02: Superficial Mycoses in Dogs and Cats is now available in Dutch.  To download the guide, please go to the guideline 2 page.
Friday 30th April 2021

ECVD supports ESCCAP

ECVD supports ESCCAP
We are delighted to announce that members of the ECVD board (The European College of Veterinary Dermatology) have agreed to endorse the aims and objectives of ESCCAP.  They have sent best wishes of support for our endeavours to educate, research and increase awareness of parasitic disease and zoonoses in Europe.
Wednesday 7th April 2021

New vector-borne disease modular guide

New vector-borne disease modular guide
ESCCAP is delighted to announce the publication of the modular guide series for guideline 5, Control of Vector-Borne Diseases in Dogs and Cats.  The new, user-friendly guide is based upon the existing ESCCAP guideline but has been designed as concise, quick-reference cards.  There are 10 cards in total on the following subjects:
Friday 26th March 2021

Four ESCCAP guidelines now available in Ukrainian

Four ESCCAP guidelines now available in Ukrainian
The sixth edition of ESCCAP's guideline 03 and the third edition of guideline 05 have both been published by ESCCAP Ukraine.  There are now four guidelines available to download in Ukrainian: GL1: Контроль гельмінтів собак та котів (Worm Control in Dogs and Cats).
Friday 12th March 2021

Guideline 5 now available in Hungarian

Guideline 5 now available in Hungarian
ESCCAP's vector-borne diseases guideline is now available in Hungarian. To download the guide, please go to the guidelines page.
Tuesday 2nd March 2021