How to protect pets from parasites poster

How to protect pets from parasites poster
We have a new poster available which features ESCCAP's general recommendations on how to protect pets from parasites.  It can be downloaded from the general recommendations page.
Monday 10th July 2017

New edition of worm control guideline – July 2017

New edition of worm control guideline – July 2017
The third edition of ESCCAP's guideline 01: “Worm Control in Dogs and Cats” was published in July 2017.  The guideline has been extensively revised and contains new text, images, life cycles and deworming flowcharts for both cats and dogs.  It can be downloaded from the guideline pages
Monday 10th July 2017

FECAVA and ESCCAP join forces in the fight against vector-borne diseases

FECAVA and ESCCAP join forces in the fight against vector-borne diseases
The Federation of Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA) and the European scientific counsel for companion animal parasites (ESCCAP) have decided to join forces in the fight against vector-borne diseases in dogs and cats.“Most companion animal veterinarians are insufficiently informed about these emerging diseases...
Tuesday 6th June 2017

ESCCAP VBD 2016 downloadable abstract booklet

ESCCAP VBD 2016 downloadable abstract booklet
The abstract booklet produced for the ESCCAP VBD 2016 symposium which took place between 19th and 20th October 2016 at the Southern European Veterinarian Conference in Granada is now available for download.
Wednesday 23rd November 2016

Armitage flea drops product recall

Armitage flea drops product recall
Please be advised that Bio-Tech Solutions Ltd has issued a recall of Armitage Pet Care Flea and Tick Drops for Dogs 702 mg spot-on solution (Vm 20205/4003) and Armitage Flea Drops for Cats and Kittens.
Friday 18th November 2016

New website for ESCCAP Portugal

New website for ESCCAP Portugal
The new website for ESCCAP Portugal has now gone live and can be found at
Friday 18th November 2016