The Federation of Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA) and the European scientific counsel for companion animal parasites (ESCCAP) have decided to join forces in the fight against vector-borne diseases in dogs and cats.
“Most companion animal veterinarians are insufficiently informed about these emerging diseases, and FECAVA has great potential to spread information on the distribution, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of these diseases to practitioners in all parts of Europe", commented Nenad Milojkovic, chair of the FECAVA working group on canine vector-borne diseases (CVBD), which held its inaugural meeting in Moscow last month. In order to issue consistent, science-based recommendations, the federation has decided to join forces with ESCCAP, the European expert group of companion animal parasitologists.
Paul Overgaauw, current ESCCAP president, commented: “ESCCAP welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with other organisations within the fields of veterinary and human medicine, sharing best practice and ensuring that a consistent message is conveyed.”
Ian Wright, ESCCAP’s guidelines director, added: “It is vital that veterinary professionals have easy access to the latest data and consistent advice from experts to help them make informed treatment decisions. ESCCAP is looking forward to working with FECAVA in helping to achieve these goals and driving research where knowledge gaps exist.”
The first joint meeting of the two organisations will be held during the WSAVA/FECAVA congress in Copenhagen in September, at the second meeting of the CVBD working group.
Tools to be developed for veterinary practitioners by the working group include tables, algorithms and travel advice for clients. “They should help raise awareness on vector-borne diseases and assist in the clinical approach in endemic areas", Nenad Milojkovic commented.
ESCCAP and FECAVA will also co-author a paper on parasite drug resistance – "one of the defining issues in livestock, equine and human parasite control over the past 30 years”, according to Ian Wright. “While resistance has been much slower to emerge in parasites of cats and dogs, there are huge data gaps in our knowledge as to how widespread it might be currently, and how likely it might be to develop in the future.”
Notes for Editors
- The Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA) represents more than 25,000 companion animal veterinarians in 40 European countries. It is the platform for the promotion of professional development and the representation of companion animal veterinarians in Europe.
- The European Scientific Counsel for Companion Animal Parasites (ESCCAP) was formed in 2005. It is an independent, not-for-profit organisation, comprising a group of eminent veterinarians across Europe, all with recognised expertise in the field of parasitology. Further details about ESCCAP can be found at
- For more information, please contact:
FECAVA: Karin de Lange (
ESCCAP: Ian Wright (