Toxocara2012 -

Saturday 27th October 2012
Toxocara2012 -

ESCCAP Toxocara2012 

Delegates from around the world came together in Budapest earlier this month to take part in a notable meeting which explored the impact of Toxocara and toxocarosis. Taking place from 3rd–5th October 2012, Toxocara2012 presented the research and clinical communities with a great opportunity to come together and share their knowledge. 

A wide range of groups, from parasitologists and immunologists to health care officials and veterinarians, had a unique chance to link with different disciplines to gain a better understanding of the challenge of controlling this important parasitic disease.

Plenary sessions from the meeting will be published in a special issue of Veterinary Parasitology and all presentations will be uploaded onto the KeySkill website at The scientific committee will also follow up on proposals to establish an interest group and look into future collaborative initiatives. 

Speaking after the meeting, ESCCAP Chairman, Professor James Duncan, said “This conference has reviewed progress since 2005 on medical, biological and veterinary topics. It has presented a rare opportunity for the experts in the field of Toxocara to launch this neglected disease into the research, funding and policy frontline and I believe it will be an important catalyst for further events.

 ESCCAP has received positive feedback from many of the delegates and other attendees:

"I thought the meeting was great both in terms of content and logistics/organisation! A real credit to ESCCAP!"
 "... a perfectly organized conference." 
"wonderful meeting"

Videos from the conference can be viewed on the Keyskill website
Under Keyskills Channels the links to the videos can be located under ESCCAP Europe
