Four fact sheets now available in French

Four fact sheets now available in French
ESCCAP France have translated four of ESCCAP's fact sheets: Comment protéger les animaux de compagnie vis-à-vis des parasites (How to protect pets from parasites). Points à considérer lors de l’importation d’un animal abandonné (Points to consider when importing a rescue dog from abroad).
Tuesday 9th June 2020

New website for ESCCAP Ukraine

New website for ESCCAP Ukraine
A new website has been launched for ESCCAP Ukraine at  It has a news section, contact information and a page where translated documents are available to download.
Wednesday 20th May 2020

New edition of worm control guideline available in Polish

New edition of worm control guideline available in Polish
The sixth edition of ESCCAP's guideline 01 has been translated into Polish.  The guideline, entitled "Odrobaczanie psów i kotów", has been extensively revised and contains updated maps, life cycles, and tables along with new schemes for the individual deworming of dogs and cats.
Monday 18th May 2020

New edition of worm control guideline available in Dutch

New edition of worm control guideline available in Dutch
The sixth edition of ESCCAP's guideline 01 has been translated into Dutch.  The guideline, entitled "Wormbestrijding bij hond en kat", has been extensively revised and contains updated maps, life cycles, and tables along with new schemes for the individual deworming of dogs and cats.
Monday 20th April 2020

Guideline 8 now available in German

Guideline 8 now available in German
ESCCAP's equine guideline: “A guide to the treatment and control of equine gastrointestinal parasite infections” is now available in German. To download the guide, please go to the guidelines page.
Tuesday 14th April 2020

Guideline 3 now available in Hungarian

Guideline 3 now available in Hungarian
ESCCAP's external parasites guideline: “Control of Ectoparasites in Dogs and Cats” is now available in Hungarian. To download the guide, please go to the guidelines page.
Wednesday 4th March 2020