What are the ESCCAP guidelines?

The ESCCAP guidelines provide the veterinary professional with free, independent, up-to-date and scientifically robust advice on the most effective control, management and treatment of parasites in companion animals.

Are ESCCAP’s publications peer reviewed?

Each of ESCCAP’s publications is extensively reviewed before being signed off for release.

All of ESCCAP’s directors and members have recognised expertise in the field of veterinary parasitology and each publication is reviewed by this panel of experts before release (ESCCAP’s publications include guidelines, modular guide series, fact sheets, maps and parasite life cycles).  A full list of ESCCAP’s directors and members can be found here

As part of the consultation process, each member has the opportunity to share unpublished drafts with members of their national association.  Each national association operates independently on a local level and is also made up of leaders in veterinary parasitology, companion animal medicine and veterinary public health within that country or region of Europe.  

ESCCAP’s industry partners are well-informed about veterinary practices in Europe and the current marketplace, and at times offer invaluable input.  Ruby sponsors have an opportunity to review and comment on ESCCAP’s guidelines prior to publication, in accordance with ESCCAP’s byelaws. However, ESCCAP retains full editorial control over all publications and maintains the copyright.

Can you provide me with a list of references from your guidelines?

Unlike a text book or paper, the ESCCAP guidelines do not provide a reference list. If there is a particular statement in one of the guidelines that you would like to have a reference for then please contact the secretariat and we will forward your request to the guideline leader.
